Timber Trails
A Community in Andover


Timber Trails in Andover


Timber Trails is a group of acreage home sites in northern Andover. Conveniently located close
to downtown Anoka, Andover & St. Francis, several thriving cities are only minutes away. The
home sites are nestled on two and a half acre lightly wooded lots that allow for many home styles
to be built, including full basements and walkouts. Ample room for expanding families, plus residents
have direct access to Timber trails Park which features a baseball field and a 
playground. For directions scroll to the bottom.


Timber Trails Park in Andover Timber Trails Park in Andover
















Timber Trails in Andover



Timber Trails is where BDM's Newest Model
Home is being built. To learn more about this
brand new home design click on
the picture below!


Two Story Home in Andover, MN



Directions to Timber Trails

Map to Model Home in Andover